The Small Batch

Online Journal

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Fatherhood, Sonship Cody Buriff Fatherhood, Sonship Cody Buriff


What my son wrote hit me on so many levels. Initially I felt like I had been exposed and sucker-punched. And quickly following that was the strong sense of heartbrokenness. And then pride and gratitude rushed over me like a wave.

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Sonship Cody Buriff Sonship Cody Buriff

Breastworks and Battlefields

Arriving early on a Thursday morning, the kindly man took on a fearsome gaze as he surveyed the hillside. It was defensible, but not unbreakable. His men would need additional protection if they were to survive what would come.

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CB Ideas CB Ideas

Thread of Faith

I cursed the bad cell coverage as I desperately willed 1980's worship music to load on Spotify.

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Small Batch Journal

The Small Batch

Ever since Restoration Project began 12 years ago, we have been collecting stories of lives changed, families transformed, legacies created, and children blessed. What started as an idea has grown into a nationwide movement of intentional men.

This magazine holds a few of their stories.