The Small Batch

Online Journal

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Fatherhood Cody Buriff Fatherhood Cody Buriff

The Father of our country

Amazingly he was able to shape up a ragtag group of underfed, underpaid and underarmed men into the fighting force that would defeat the most powerful military force the planet had seen.

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Cody Buriff Cody Buriff

Fantasy Roots

I was alone in our basement watching The Little Mermaid. I remember Ariel’s beautiful voice, her kind and loving desire toward Eric, and her reminding me of Amanda Baker, my 2nd-grade crush. I cried as I thought of her. Maybe returning to her could make me happy again?

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Sonship, Fatherhood Cody Buriff Sonship, Fatherhood Cody Buriff

Muscle ups & Transition

Transitions are hard. Moving from one reality to a new one always involves a loss, or a letting go of something that was a more stable or known quantity for something that is less known. There is an inherent risk of failure involved in going to a new place or position. Sometimes those failures are minor, or more acceptable. Other times those failures can feel catastrophic.

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Cody Buriff Cody Buriff

Watching My Mother Die

The other night at dinner, I naively asked her to tell my kids a few stories from my childhood, not realizing that her long-term memory is now beginning to wane. She could not tell my kids stories I had heard my entire life. Yes, even this loss is yet another death I must mourn.

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Sonship, Fatherhood Jesse French Sonship, Fatherhood Jesse French

Faces of 2022

Why expend the energy and to what end? At Restoration Project we ask men to reflect beyond the timeline diagram of their life. We believe the activity is not most important, but the significance within that experience. We follow the wisdom of the early Celtic Church who would ask travelers not what they did on their journey, but what their journey meant

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Sonship Jeremy Williamson Sonship Jeremy Williamson


I’ve since learned that there is something profound about the experience of asking, hoping, and then patiently waiting. There’s something risky and raw about a gift being hidden from sight until it is revealed by the giver.

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Cody Buriff Cody Buriff

The Salve in Salvation

What is the gospel for today? We need a salve for our wounds. Salve is the root word of “salvation.” The word actually means healing. We need salvation.

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Cody Buriff Cody Buriff

Brotherhood Hangover

But as my heart has been opened on the mountain top, making me more vulnerable to the evil fingers of shame and fear. They start their work quickly.

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Fatherhood, Brotherhood Cody Buriff Fatherhood, Brotherhood Cody Buriff


If you are still for enough time just about anywhere in Rochester and make any attempt to feel and discern the environment, you can feel the suffering. As I walked back to the hotel, I could easily sense the despair and weight of so many people being overwhelmed.

Just as easily as the sense of overwhelming engulfed me, the answer was right before me: fathers and brothers.

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Small Batch Journal

The Small Batch

Ever since Restoration Project began 12 years ago, we have been collecting stories of lives changed, families transformed, legacies created, and children blessed. What started as an idea has grown into a nationwide movement of intentional men.

This magazine holds a few of their stories.